WHS Regulation Changes

Despite industry concerns it looks like the Government is determined to implement changes to the states WHS legislation.


Recommendations include the following.

Requiring a principle contractor to prepare Construction Safety Management Plan (CSMP) for ALL  jobs $200 000 or more. The CSMP must include the names and positions of those with specific OH&S responsibilities, incident management, monitoring and the management of Safe Work Method and Environmental Statements (SWMES) as well as any site specific safety notifications. This CSMP must also be available for inspection.

A Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) who is carrying out high risk building work must complete a SWMES. The SWMES must identify any risks associated with carrying out the work, what type of controls will be used and implemented and how these measure will be monitored and reviewed.

Think about how many contractors you have on a single building site and how many employee’s those sub-contractors have. That is a lot of information you have to not only manage and track yourself but also make available to those people working on your site.

If you are having visions of lever arch folders bursting with paperwork and you think there must be a better way, well you are right. Let sitebook  manage your documentation and take the headache out of helping your contractors work safely while remaining productive.

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